Black Eagle falling

All metal enclosure

The proposition of recruits' struggle and the dehumanizing environment shaping their identity in all metal shell has been transformed into an interactive relationship between environment and individuals in Tianzhuangzhuang's hands, thus revealing a common and new proposition - environment changes people, not people change the environment. Kubrick reproduced the cruelty of the war with real scenes. Although there were countless soldiers who fell to the ground and died, what gave people the cruel impression of the war was the sudden first gunshot in extreme silence.

9. Black Eagle falling

There are no sensational memories of Saving Private Ryan, nor painful reflections on Modern Revelation. There are only wars, real and cruel wars! It deserves to be Redley Scott. The technology and details are excellent. The cross editing is great. From 38 minutes to the end, the large-scale Lane battlefield is real and cruel. High speed slow lens, blue-green light and filter, landmarks of smoke and telephoto lens and other means make the film more tragic and tragic, which belongs to the style of realism. 99reel

10. Green Zone

The theme of "green zone" is the war in Iraq. It describes the difficult process of the U.S. Army trying to establish an interim government in Iraq. Like the film "Hurt Locker", the filmmakers used the method of shooting with hand-held cameras. The style of photography is similar to many other aspects. Therefore, it has attracted wide attention from male audiences and attracted audiences of all ages.

